
Realistic, attainable, and delicious. Healthy eating done right.

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My (Mostly) Healthy Favorite Sweets

Dive into some of my go-to yummies, including chia seed banana bread and whole grain muffins. They're so good, you won't even realize they're guilt free!

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Quick Tips

What to think about when you put together a meal to make the most out of every bite.

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Since 1993

The Hunger Greens Mission

Welcome to The Hunger Greens! My goal is to share wholesome, healthy, and clean eats that actually taste good and are easy to make.

As a ballet dancer, coxswain, and distance runner, my number one priority is taking care of my body. I want to fuel up with real foods, not processed junk. While completing Boston Ballet's Pre Professional Program, I attended numerous nutrition lectures and consulted a dietician. I have learned how powerful food can be; the right diet gives me energy and makes me feel full without building stocky muscles or fat.

My passion for nutrition led me to create The Hunger Greens. This website is full of everything I have learned over the years about healthy eating. The blog shares my journey of attempting to sneak more vegetables into my diet, squeeze ancient grains into my foods, and simply eat better. Doing some research on nutrition has altered my relationship with food for the better and completely changed my lifestyle. I hope sharing my experience will inspire others to experiment a little bit more in the kitchen instead of blindly reaching for some fast-food. Let's dive in!



Just a friendly reminder that this page is advice only -- I am a food enthusiast, not a registered dietician. For official consultation, please seek advice from a professional.


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